Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Four of Cups

Symbol- shotgun wedding

Meaning- seduction

The Astral Planes merge downward and pour a blessing of love and light onto the initiate in a spiritual baptism. He or she is unable to contain the star within the body and it bursts forth in all of its glory. This is a realization of the Christ Spirit and marks the beginning of the higher initiation.

It signals a sprouting and rapid growth of the soul body. He is generating more emotional energy and it is difficult for him. He feels he is pouring out his entire soul in his effort to find the perfect woman. He is at the edge of his mind. His intellect has been telling him that he is wasting his time and will never find someone. In spite of his intellectual doubts he continues searching and searching, generously giving away his energy with no return. Just as he feels that he can give no more he has the incredible experience of absorbing some of her pure emotional energy. It is a spiritual baptism that surrounds him in waves of light and love. The energy he has given out has found a way back to him.

He might not realize the energy came from her. It could be that he believes it was a beautiful spiritual experience. In any case he wants more of those experiences and doesn't know how to get them.

This is known as the baptism of the Holy Spirit in some traditions and it triggers an intense desire to generate incredible amounts of emotional energy in the hopes of repeating it.

By this time she has absorbed enough of his emotional energy and used it to create the potential future she wants for herself and for him. To him this could mean he is doomed to a life of mediocrity like everyone else he knows. He has big plans and won't settle for less than the best of life.

She has no need of her excess emotional energy and freely gives it to him as pure emotional energy. He absorbs this energy from her for the first time and it is a very important time for him. At first he can't use this energy. It remains trapped in his physical body to be released at night as astral energy that develops his soul.

He uses this energy to open up emotional channels within his body. He learns to integrate this energy so it is not congested in the heart and solar plexus. Over time this energy works its way downward to become a fully activated astral body.

Male experience:

His ego is screaming that he is making a fool of himself. He has been giving and giving of his time and energy without getting anything in return. He has tried to hold himself to the high goal of finding the perfect woman but she doesn't seem to exist anywhere.

Just when he has given up in defeat he receives a burst of pure female emotional energy that envelops him in an aura of spiritual light and love. It is a spiritual experience and inspires him to generate more emotional love energy. This allows him to build up a permanent astral body.

Female experience:

She enjoys having him around because he gives her energy to help her through the day. She dreams of someday meeting the right person. She thinks about who would be right for her and who would be right for him. He is a nice person and he should have somebody nice too.

The time comes when she knows exactly the type of life she wants and the type of man she wants to share it with. She creates it in the astral as her potential future. Satisfied with that she gives the rest of her excess emotional energy freely away to him as pure emotional energy.

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