Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Three of Cups

Symbol- Secretary attracted to lumberjack.

Meaning- Attraction

He is giving away emotional energy but she is taking it as fast as he can give it away. It seems that he isn't getting anywhere and is always emotionally drained. He feels conflict between love of her and love of self. It seems to him that giving is fine but at some point his efforts should be rewarded. He becomes more interested in having a serious relationship that has give and take. He is getting tired of giving all the time without getting anything back.

His logic and reason distort things. He doesn't understand why he can't find that perfect someone to complete his life. No one is returning energy back to him. He is attracted to women that have qualities he is lacking in. This is how he hopes to bring those things into his life. His supply of emotional energy is almost gone and he feels empty inside. He is looking for someone to fill that emptiness. He is trying to fulfill the male role and he wants someone to play the female role that is so important. It is frustrating when he finds out the type of woman he is attracted to is not attracted to him and doesn't return his attentions.

She absorbs his emotional energy as fast as he can give it away. She mixes it with her growing amount of emotional energy to form astral emotional energy. In her dreams and astral adventures she uses this astral energy to construct her potential future and his potential future.

This energy is deposited in the astral planes and combines to create a potential future that will be accepted by the collective. In doing this it alters to adapt to societal pressures. The potential future she has created merges with everything else and represents the collective will of humanity.

Areas of disagreement or conflicting interests combine and form compromise events. Once an event has reached this level of the astral it is very difficult for the male to alter because he is pitting his will against the collective will of society. At this point she enjoys comfort and security in a relationship and would like to get involved with someone that shares her likes and interests. Although she is absorbing his energy and likes him as a friend, he is not the type of person she would ever get serious with. They are too different!

Male experience:

He is friendly to everyone and radiating energy and enthusiasm. He is fun to be around but it is getting old because he is not getting anything in return. The types of women he wants are not interested in him as a romantic partner. He chooses women that are very different in the theory that opposites attract.

Female experience:

She likes having him around because he brightens up her life and brings radiance and energy into it. His energy makes her feel good and makes her dream about mister right and what he might be like. Still he is not mister right and she has no intentions of getting romantically involved with her friend. It would never work because they are too different. They don't have anything in common.

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