Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Suit of Cups

The Suit of Cups is about emotional energy and the emotional dynamics within relationships. There are the higher emotions of love, joy and pride as well as the lower emotions of lust, anger, hatred and fear.

Emotions are not controlable. We can not control how we feel but we can control our physical actions. In like manner it is not right to feel guilty about our emotions. Right or wrong our emotions bring richness into our lives.

Relationships are largely about emotions and they will spark every emotion we have at some point. It is important to feel our emotions deeply and learn to understand them. It is also important to not let emotions dominate our life and our actions. Emotions are like sensory inputs that give us information. They have no reasoning ability and should not be used to make decisions.

The Tarot cards can not begin to describe the richness of all the possible emotions within relationships but we can generalize on the emotions of love and romance.

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Tarot of Love and Romance Technorati Tags : love, romance, relationships, adventure, dating, teens, survivalism, health, fitness, sexuality

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