Tuesday, March 13, 2007

King of Cups

The King of Cups is related to many other cards in the Tarot. He contains the essential elements of the Tarot Trump cards THE TOWER, THE STAR, and THE SUN. The King is also related to the SIX of WANDS, SIX of CUPS, SEVEN of WANDS, SEVEN of CUPS, EIGHT of WANDS, and EIGHT of CUPS. His Element is Water. His power is Fire of Water.

He has a strong awareness of the physical environment and is able to manipulate it easily. He has a strong emotional nature and is very powerful astrally. He may have a tendency to shut out those things he doesn't want to experience. He is a magician and on the astral has energy and power to spare. He can take or give energy equally and is able to manipulate the astral very easily to affect future events. His astral body is fully developed and very strong. He uses Magical power for both defense and offense.

His astral creations are very stable and strongly resist any efforts by others to change them. He has great stamina and endurance that he can tap into if he needs to.

He has a strong affinity with gold and enjoys wealth, luxury, and sexual pleasures. He can't seem to get enough of the beautiful things in life and that includes the opposite sex.

It is easy for him to make a good impression on others and they like him. However, he may just as easily change and present another aspect of himself to other people. He changes appearances to his best advantage. He spends much of his time day dreaming.

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