Three of Keys
Symbol- male forming life for them both out of ocean water.
She is the ocean.
Meaning- attraction
FESTIVAL OF REBIRTH- (Winter solstice, Dec. 21)
Last Quarter of the moon
This is the middle of natures germination cycle, the beginning of winter, and the probation period in the initiatic cycle.
If we are ready this is the birth of the Christ Spirit within our souls. God\dess's love and light are sent into the world and divided among those ready to receive it. The probationer grows in spiritual knowledge and power. As they prepare for initiation they confront for the first time the "terror on the threshold".
They feel unworthy and acutely aware of their own short comings. The probationer is forced to work through these feelings and confront them completely. They learn humility.
In relationships the first energy to be exchanged is volatile spiritual energy. This energy is the most abstract and idealistic. Here the male and female share deeply held religious beliefs and their visions of the perfect life, the perfect partner, ...ect.
His energy merges with her energy to form astral constructs of these idealizations. In effect, he shares his most secret dreams and beliefs with her and she understands him perfectly. This exchange is very powerful because the mutual understanding is so intense.
This harmony can't last because as a male he has an unlimited supply of this spiritual/abstract energy. Her supply is limited to the amount that she was given at birth and stores in her body. At some point she will run out of this spiritual energy and rather than transform her pure sexual energy into spiritual energy, she will loose interest in long abstract discussions with him. He will wear her out and bore her with his endless talk about dreams and fantasies.
At some point he must learn to transform his abstract/spiritual energy into mental energy. He must seriously think about how to achieve his idealistic goals and dreams.
Male experience:
He shares his greatest dreams and aspirations with her and she understands him! This is an incredible experience and he is likely to think they were meant for each other because this mutual understanding is so intense.
His thoughts and dreams take on a form and clarity never before experienced. He is preoccupied with dreams of creating the perfect life for them both. He is rigid, inflexible and very idealistic. He doesn't care what she wants. He thinks he knows what she wants.
Female experience:
She has an immediate grasp of what he is trying to share. She understands but gets bored hearing the same thing over and over again. Especially if he doesn't act upon his ideas.
She understands so perfectly she feels she will never again have to think about those issues. Her thought is now we agree upon the ideal life, lets do it. Don't contemplate, actuate. But he is not ready to do this.
She is the ocean.
Meaning- attraction
FESTIVAL OF REBIRTH- (Winter solstice, Dec. 21)
Last Quarter of the moon
This is the middle of natures germination cycle, the beginning of winter, and the probation period in the initiatic cycle.
If we are ready this is the birth of the Christ Spirit within our souls. God\dess's love and light are sent into the world and divided among those ready to receive it. The probationer grows in spiritual knowledge and power. As they prepare for initiation they confront for the first time the "terror on the threshold".
They feel unworthy and acutely aware of their own short comings. The probationer is forced to work through these feelings and confront them completely. They learn humility.
In relationships the first energy to be exchanged is volatile spiritual energy. This energy is the most abstract and idealistic. Here the male and female share deeply held religious beliefs and their visions of the perfect life, the perfect partner, ...ect.
His energy merges with her energy to form astral constructs of these idealizations. In effect, he shares his most secret dreams and beliefs with her and she understands him perfectly. This exchange is very powerful because the mutual understanding is so intense.
This harmony can't last because as a male he has an unlimited supply of this spiritual/abstract energy. Her supply is limited to the amount that she was given at birth and stores in her body. At some point she will run out of this spiritual energy and rather than transform her pure sexual energy into spiritual energy, she will loose interest in long abstract discussions with him. He will wear her out and bore her with his endless talk about dreams and fantasies.
At some point he must learn to transform his abstract/spiritual energy into mental energy. He must seriously think about how to achieve his idealistic goals and dreams.
Male experience:
He shares his greatest dreams and aspirations with her and she understands him! This is an incredible experience and he is likely to think they were meant for each other because this mutual understanding is so intense.
His thoughts and dreams take on a form and clarity never before experienced. He is preoccupied with dreams of creating the perfect life for them both. He is rigid, inflexible and very idealistic. He doesn't care what she wants. He thinks he knows what she wants.
Female experience:
She has an immediate grasp of what he is trying to share. She understands but gets bored hearing the same thing over and over again. Especially if he doesn't act upon his ideas.
She understands so perfectly she feels she will never again have to think about those issues. Her thought is now we agree upon the ideal life, lets do it. Don't contemplate, actuate. But he is not ready to do this.