Two of Cups
Symbol- His encounters with women bring him great joy and happiness. She is a working woman.
Meaning- movement
He is giving away his massive supply of emotional energy that he was given at birth. His casual encounters with women are enough at first. He likes to make women laugh and feel good because it makes him feel good too.
He enjoys life and dreaming. He is filled with a gentle love and sharing and his desires propel him forward. He is attractive to the opposite sex and they enjoy his company. He feels extremely sexual, emotional and radiant.
One person can't absorb all of the energy he is giving away and he enters a very social period in his life. He is intensely curious about women and wishes to experience all they have to offer. He has an instinctive awareness of the opposite sex with their needs and moods. He is exploring the female part of his own personality. His need is to be gentle, caring and supportive. He may have a religious experience and feel "born again".
At first she takes his emotional energy as fast as he can give it. She absorbs as much as she can and combines it with her normal supply of emotional energy to form astral emotional energy.
This type of astral energy is denser than mental or spiritual energy and will become physical reality before the other types of energy will. It is more condensed and lower on the astral planes. Therefore it seems less speculative and more real. There is much more substance to it and it feels real.
She creates potential future events with this energy and deposits it in the astral plane to become reality in time. These creations are far more realistic and substantial than anything she has astrally created before.
Her psychic abilities gain strength and her astral dream adventures take on a more sensory and emotional quality. She has an intense desire to know her true purpose in life so she can magickally create it in the astral planes.
She is overwhelmed with his large quantities of emotional energy. He seems so emotional to her, so buoyant and alive. She is a little intimidated and not truly comfortable. She needs great amounts of male energy but she can only handle so much at a time. Things are going too fast and she thinks she is falling behind and missing out in life. She is feeling life has passed her by and she is missing out on the good things. She is a working woman now and that is all she ever does, work, work, work.
Male experience:
He enjoys being around women and they enjoy being around him. He is filled with a gentle love and sharing that everyone enjoys. He is very curious about women and wishes to experience all they have to offer. When he makes them happy it makes him feel happy too. He gives away massive amounts of emotional energy to everybody.
Female experience:
She is tired of waiting for mister right. She absorbs the small quantities of emotional energy she can from him and wishes she could absorb more. He has much more than she can use. This concentrated astral energy creates the potential future she desires for both herself and for him.
She is frustrated with the small amount of emotional energy she has to work with. She wishes he would share all of it with her instead of giving it to everyone else. He doesn't spend enough time with her. He seems to be having so much fun and others like him so well. She feels life is passing her by and she can't hurry things at all.
Meaning- movement
He is giving away his massive supply of emotional energy that he was given at birth. His casual encounters with women are enough at first. He likes to make women laugh and feel good because it makes him feel good too.
He enjoys life and dreaming. He is filled with a gentle love and sharing and his desires propel him forward. He is attractive to the opposite sex and they enjoy his company. He feels extremely sexual, emotional and radiant.
One person can't absorb all of the energy he is giving away and he enters a very social period in his life. He is intensely curious about women and wishes to experience all they have to offer. He has an instinctive awareness of the opposite sex with their needs and moods. He is exploring the female part of his own personality. His need is to be gentle, caring and supportive. He may have a religious experience and feel "born again".
At first she takes his emotional energy as fast as he can give it. She absorbs as much as she can and combines it with her normal supply of emotional energy to form astral emotional energy.
This type of astral energy is denser than mental or spiritual energy and will become physical reality before the other types of energy will. It is more condensed and lower on the astral planes. Therefore it seems less speculative and more real. There is much more substance to it and it feels real.
She creates potential future events with this energy and deposits it in the astral plane to become reality in time. These creations are far more realistic and substantial than anything she has astrally created before.
Her psychic abilities gain strength and her astral dream adventures take on a more sensory and emotional quality. She has an intense desire to know her true purpose in life so she can magickally create it in the astral planes.
She is overwhelmed with his large quantities of emotional energy. He seems so emotional to her, so buoyant and alive. She is a little intimidated and not truly comfortable. She needs great amounts of male energy but she can only handle so much at a time. Things are going too fast and she thinks she is falling behind and missing out in life. She is feeling life has passed her by and she is missing out on the good things. She is a working woman now and that is all she ever does, work, work, work.
Male experience:
He enjoys being around women and they enjoy being around him. He is filled with a gentle love and sharing that everyone enjoys. He is very curious about women and wishes to experience all they have to offer. When he makes them happy it makes him feel happy too. He gives away massive amounts of emotional energy to everybody.
Female experience:
She is tired of waiting for mister right. She absorbs the small quantities of emotional energy she can from him and wishes she could absorb more. He has much more than she can use. This concentrated astral energy creates the potential future she desires for both herself and for him.
She is frustrated with the small amount of emotional energy she has to work with. She wishes he would share all of it with her instead of giving it to everyone else. He doesn't spend enough time with her. He seems to be having so much fun and others like him so well. She feels life is passing her by and she can't hurry things at all.
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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Tarot of Love and Romance Technorati Tags : love, romance, relationships, adventure, dating, teens, survivalism, health, fitness, sexuality
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