Five of Wands
She is trapped in altruistic pleasures and service.
Meaning- entrapment
When they first began to exchange this volatile spiritual energy they jointly created astral constructs of the ideal life. These constructs were deposited in the astral planes to become potential events.
When she feels satisfied that she knows what she wants, she decides to go out and get it just the way they envisioned it together. She goes on without him since he just daydreams all the time. She no longer needs her excess spiritual energy and simply gives it to him as pure energy. This means the flow for the first time from her to him.
He stores her excess spiritual energy within his body. His energy level goes up and he becomes blindly intoxicated with her. This energy completely fills him and he walks on clouds. He looses intellectual objectivity.
As he integrates her energy his intuitive powers become activated and he receives spiritual insights and psychic experiences that confirm she is the perfect mate for him. He is convinced she is his one and only soulmate.
Male experience:
Blindly intoxicated with her "soul" energy he thinks she is his "soul mate" and nothing matters but to be with her. He wants more of her energy and she has given up all of her excess. To others he becomes a thing of wood with no emotional nature at all. Close friends and relatives are hurt by the distance he places between them. He intuitively know things about her and has psychic experiences involving her.
Female experience:
With the loss of her excess spiritual energy she identifies with altruistic goals. She is uninhibited and careless of ideals. Others enjoy to be around her and share her energy and enthusiasm. The world opens to her in all of its majesty and infinite possibilities.
She wants to experience it all! Everything seems familiar and safe. All is sacred. There is nothing to think about. It is all self evident and right in front of her. It is time to live and experience the fullness of life.
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